Lockdown Workout 7

Week 7’s workout



5 in 5 mobility

Goblet squat

Squat Jump

Monster Walks

KB split Squat

Depth Jump from box

Banded Leg Abduction

One Leg Depth Jump


For this session complete 10-12 reps over three sets, with a 90s rest between sets.

Give it a go and tell us how you get on.


Workout description

Now that we've covered a wide range of exercises with multiple pieces of equipment, we can incorporate these together into sessions. This is classes as complex training. This provides a wide range of stimulus for the body: covering reactive strength and plyometrics from the jumps, and general strength and control from the banded and weighted exercises. Combining weighted and jumping exercises will provide a greater responsiveness to fast-twitch muscle fibres which are required for producing speed and power.  

Quality over quantity in these sessions. You need to focus on each movement and perform them as explosively as possible to get the most out of the session. For this session complete 10-12 reps over three sets, with a 90s rest between sets.

Give it a go and tell us how you get on.

Meta Team. 


Insight Series Episode 5


Insight Series Episode 4