Lockdown Workout 12

Week 12’s workout


Pull Up

Isometric squat with medicine ball press Chin Up

Kettlebell Swings Corebag Plank Row/Bag Drag

Banded Rotator Cuff


Look to do 3 sets on each exercise for 10-12 reps, with a 90s rest between sets and 2-minute rest between exercises.

If you're looking to progress this workout, increasing the time during the eccentric phase of the pull ups and chin ups will put more stress through the body, or increase the size of the kettlebell used for the swings.


Workout description

Here's another great session to try at home.

Enhancing your upper body strength not only improves your posture and balance but it makes you a more efficient runner, cyclist or swimmer. Including pull ups and chin ups are great exercises as they work a multitude of muscles in the upper body and core.

Additionally, kettlebell swings are a great exercise for all athletes. They put stress through the whole posterior chain and heavily activate the hips and glutes, which some athletes fail to train correctly. This session puts quite a lot of stress on the shoulders, which is great for runners.

This transfers to a more efficient arm swing and an improved tempo when running. Give this session a go and see how you get on. Look to do three sets on each exercise for 10-12 reps, with a 90s rest between sets and 2-minute rest between exercises.

If you're looking to progress this workout, increasing the time during the eccentric phase of the pull ups and chin ups will put more stress through the body, or increase the size of the kettlebell used for the swings.


Lockdown Workout 13


Insight Series Episode 9